Young People’s Fellowship

Who? Young adults from age 18 to late 20's

When? Several Fridays each month, from 8 pm

Our YPF group meets approximately every Friday for a keenly-awaited time of fun and fellowship. Meetings are generally of an evening, although special activities or outings throughout the year are held during the day.

We desire to see every young person at Condell Park Bible Church grow in Christ-likeness. By God's grace, we fulfil this desire through the following emphases: acceptable worship, faithful teaching, godly leadership with personal relationships, ministry opportunities, godly maturity, and small-group studies, all within the context of fun and fellowship.

In a day when the success of youth ministry is defined by large attendance, exciting activities, or meeting felt needs; we know that our success is determined by our faithfulness to the Word of God and the stewardship God has entrusted to us.

It is our privilege and joy to minister to young people who are not only undergoing social and intellectual growth but who are also becoming more complete men and women in Christ.

For more information speak to our YPF Director, Pr Brendan Fischer