On behalf of the people of the Condell Park Bible Church, welcome!

We are delighted to share some information about our church and hope that you find it helpful.

We are an independent, Bible-believing, Bible-preaching, multi-national, local church that seeks to glorify God in all that we do.

We are located at Condell Park, a suburb approximately 30 kilometres south west of Sydney, NSW, Australia.

We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and accept it as the final authority in all matters of faith and practice. It has one central, life-changing message for all people - the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Gospel is the good news that sinful people can be forgiven and reconciled to a holy God through the death, burial and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ.

Such wonderful news is indeed life changing!

Our mission is to glorify God by making Christ-like disciples through worshipping biblically, building faith, serving others and impacting the world with the transforming power of the Gospel.

As you look at our website, you will discover a wide diversity of people and numerous ministries, but we are one church with one message and one mission.

You’re welcome to visit us at any time. We’d love to meet you! It is our prayer that your own life will be transformed by the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

CONTACT US for more information about the Gospel.